Category | Topics |
GeneralGeneral discussion topics.
Skritter AppsThis category is for discussions surrounding Skritter Mobile Betas for Android and iOS.
ChineseA place for Chinese learning-related questions and discussions. Have a question about Skritter specifically? Consider emailing, and we’ll be happy to assist!
Chinese Character CourseLearn 145 individual characters and components and everything you need to know about how characters work with Skritter’s in-app Character Course! Post questions, comments, and feedback here!
JapaneseIs a particular Japanese character or grammar point giving you trouble? Have you published a list that fellow Skrittizens should be studying from? Need help finding the perfect textbook? Want to study abroad but don’t know where to go or which program to choose? No worries, post your questions in the Japanese category and hear what other Skritter members have to say!
Skritter WebsiteThe main website.
Feel free to join the discussion by creating new topics or commenting on ones created by other learners! |
BugsThink you've found a bug? If you haven't already, please contact us about your issue so our development team can investigate. If you want to discuss the bug or share additional details, please create or contribute to a topic in here!