Our plan is to have this functionality in the app in version 3.3.7 along with the mnemonics. We’ll be redoing the vocab info screen so character drilling from words is possible. And also making the font sizes on that screen a lot bigger along with some other goodies.
Best guess in before the end of Q1 at the pace we’re moving at for 3.3.6 updates.
Stay tuned!
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Hey checked out the new app again. Very impressed by how logical the layout is and how smoothly things seem to run.
I didn’t give it much of a run thru however because I see that mnemonics for individual characters within words are still not available? At least I could not figure out how to access them if they are there.
Hoping we will see this feature in the very near future?
Until then, just have to keep on using the legacy app.
(My first use of Skritter years ago taught me at last how useful mnemonics are, and I create them for every new character now. But I don’t need them for words: I don’t forget how to write words, I only forget how to write a character within a word. When I need a hint for a character I haven’t seen in a very long time, I don’t like to see the character strokes revealed for me, I want my own mnemonic, and when I see it, the character floods back into my mind’s eye and the mnemonic is set firmly in my memory again.)
Tap above the break line on study cards and mnemonics and example sentences appear. If you are on writing cards or tone cards, the mnemonic displayed is the character you’re on.
Hope that helps!
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On the info screen you can go to the characters tab. All characters in words can be drilled into by tapping on them, and the character mnemonics are on that info screen as well.
Hope that helps! I was going to post a video of how to access things, but I’m on my phone at the moment and it doesn’t want me to upload it.
We’ll have full documentation about how it all works when we release the next production version (since things are currently subject to tweaks and adjustments).
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Ok, tell me what I’m doing wrong here, because I go into review mode, select the list I want to review, get started and … tapping away above the break line reveals nothing but the pinyin and the definition, and there are no tabs of any kind on the side-opening info panel (and when I tap on characters there nothing happens.)
Here’s what it looks like:
It’s just in the latest beta app, not the production app.
@Therebackagain sorry for not making it clear that this is currently in the beta app, and not in the production build yet. We’re still collecting feedback, and fixing up a few reported bugs, but we hope to have 3.4.0 update out on Android and iOS as soon as we can!
Joining the beta program on iOS and Android is pretty painless if you’d like to check things out early. Details below, and be sure to email team@skritter.com with any questions!
Thank you so much to everyone who worked on adding the mnemonics to the app!
I’ve just updated it to the latest version, and I reaaaaaaaally appreciate having them there, just a swipe away and without any spoilers. 谢谢!
Agreed, they are lifesaving. Thank you Skritter team!
@meiadeleite @rpetersn glad you’re enjoying the popular mnemonics! Just wanted to let you know that we’re going to have them turned off by default in app. This change just went live in the latest beta 3.4.1 (300386) that is rolling out today on iOS. Popular Mnemonics can be enabled from the User Study Settings screen.
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Sorry for being unclear, I only want to see my own mnemonics. I was referring to the fact that mnemonics are a swipe away - I hadn’t posted my thanks about that. I’m glad the popular mnemonics are turned off now - the list was good in the old app as a way to brainstorm ones own, but placing the top mnemonic as the default without indicating it wasn’t my own was not working for me. Thanks for improving it.
I just sent a feedback message through the old app to Skritter. Former long time user here. I have thousands of words in my database and used Skritter extensively while doing my formal study from 2016-2018. Your service was truly a life saver for me.
But I completely agree with therebackagain. Your explanation of pedagogy is greatly flawed, and misses entirely the most challenging part of Chinese learning for non native speakers. The characters are the hardest parts, and once you really know them well words are easy. All mnemonics I used in Skritter are for the characters, and no having to check my mnemonic is not a ‘crutch’ or a waste of time. All the mnemonics I have had to with writing the characters. Which by the way even native speakers sometimes struggle to remember for some characters. I don’t use mnemonics for definitions or anything else, writing characters however is a challenging job and mnemonics and Skritter was the way I got through all my classes in China while preparing for my HSK 5.
Without this feature I don’t know if Skritter is really worth it for me. I can always switch to Anki. Skritter was always appealing because it was designed for Chinese learning, and the community provided mnemonics were a huge time saver. You can die on this hill I suppose if you want to prove your point. Or you can just add back features from your legacy app multiple long time customers are asking for. Your choice but I won’t be subscribing to the new app as it currently stands.
Popular mnemonics are in the app but are not enabled by default. Just go to the Study Settings screen on your account and turn them on.
View personal and popular mnemonics from any study card without having to access the Vocab Info screen. Swipe right/left on the top of the cards to quickly view example sentences and view/edit mnemonics directly while you’re studying.
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Absolutely amazing! Thanks so much I would never have figured out that swipe feature on my own. This is perfect.
This is why Skritter continues to be the best option for serious Chinese students. The absolute focus on language learning and a wonderful experience. I would never have survived my Chinese classes without your help.
I’m planning to restart my subscription as soon as I work through my 12,000 item backlog. Although maybe i should consider a total fresh start. I’ll see how I feel after a week.
Cheers! We do display an alert when we first detect you’re on a writing card, but when you’ve got a million new things on the screen they’re easy to miss/ignore. I know I do when I’m using other apps.
Topic is now closed. If you’re coming from Skritter Chinese (legacy app) be sure to turn on Popular Mnemonics from the Study Settings screen and swipe right/left on study cards to view mnemonics and sentences.
Happy studying!