3.6.X Beta Release Megathread

Hitting the Home hamburger menu button and then trying to hit the streak (fire) button, forces the Home menu to close.

But not the other-way-round….looks weird…should auto-close or behave the same.


  1. Hit streak (fire) button
  2. Hit home button
  3. Note home menu comes up behind and obscured by Streak dialog


Thanks. Issue is open for it!

3.6.0 (300514) Beta

  • More improvements to canvas caching, stroke lag, and much more for raw/rawest settings
  • Fixed a visual bug where Streak drop-down could overlap with Hamburger menu
  • Fixed a visual bug on iOS where the Review options Study button text was not white at times

The build will be rolling out soon. Happy studying!

@Therebackagain give this build another go. If you’re still seeing an issue try using a card limit (100 cards) on reviews and see that speeds it up. We’re making optimizations, but a large queue of due cards could be a separate memory issue.


Latest update has introduced a bug with numbers due. Went into settings to try high graphics (definitely better - still not there). When I selected due cards to start reviewing it was 0 due regardless of what decks I selected.

Went out to the main menu and back in and it was fine.

After that session I went back to settings and changed graphics back to medium. When I went back to review, the total due was shown regardless of what decks I selected.

Back to menu and back in didn’t fix it.

Changing what parts I’m studying, or even selecting 10 cards, also didn’t change the number due (1824). (Or at least it didn’t change what is displayed as due.) Once in the review it shows the right number.

Bar with the due count greys out for decks with 0 due so it looks like refresh issue.

Bounced the app - no change.

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Thanks for the feedback, we’ll dig in to it!

What would make the high quality graphics mode “there” for you? What are the most noticeable differences between medium and high?

3.6.0 (300515) Beta

  • Fixed regression with review options card count calculations
  • Improved offline support for Words Learned goal and activities in the feed

Happy studying!

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Thanks guys. Count fixed, and performance as good as fixed.

In terms of what constitutes ‘there’, I think it’s now there. Last build I was having to wait for skritter to catch up rendering strokes and grading. Only a second or two but consistently and with enough delays that I’d start to redo strokes or pause too see if they were going to render. Annoying enough that I had to go to medium graphics.

The stroke rendering is now fine and colour change from black to green or red is nearly always instant now. There’s still about a second delay between the grading and showing the character underneath but that’s not enough to be a problem.

Thank you


@SkritterJake not sure if this has been reported yet, but the “Total Time” in the Daily Section is inaccurate.

Let’s say I start a review session at 9:00am, study for 5 min, then tab off the app in the background (not ending session yet). Then at 9:30am, I tab back to the app, and study for 30 min, then end the session at 10:00am.

The “Review Report” correctly reports this as “Study time: 35 min”, however, the overall Progress Screen in the Activity Feed reports “Reviewed N cards (60 min)” and so you have an inflated time count in the daily total time since it seems like that’s the time it’s using.

Hopefully this can be fixed!

Thanks for the report! I’ll discuss with @josh @SkritterMichael and see if there is any better way to handle this.

In general, I personally would always recommend exiting the session if you’re going to tab away from the app for a while regardless. iOS and Android are more and more aggressive about killing apps in the background, and we’d hate for reviews to go missing along the way!

Hi @ShaneOH do you happen to recall if your Total Study Time on the Daily Progress screen was correct? Expected should be 35 minutes in this case, not the 60 minutes “spent” in the activity.

Right now, the Activity Feed does show the total time it took to complete any activity from activity start to finish, but actual reported study time should be the only thing being tracked and submitted to the server, and the same as what is shown on the report.

Since we’re talking about a mostly cosmetic thing, I’m curious what you all think we should display on the Daily Feed. Is it helpful to see the total time in an activity below the reports, or do you just wanna see the active study time? Vote in the poll!

  • Active study time only
  • Total activity time start to finish

0 voters

I say to keep them both, as it is right now. I agree that the actual ‘Study time’ should be the one tracked, but it doesn’t hurt to see the total (from start to finish) time as well. I wonder if it would be possible to show the time it took to complete a Learning activity, for example inside Learn reports.

In general, I personally would always recommend exiting the session if you’re going to tab away from the app for a while regardless. iOS and Android are more and more aggressive about killing apps in the background, and we’d hate for reviews to go missing along the way!

Agreed on the aggressive background killing. It’s a bit annoying cause for example, sometimes I’ll go to the gym and I like to go through flash cards in between sets. So I’ll do a set, run through 10 cards while resting, do another set, another 10 cards, etc.

And during that time I need to switch between my gym notepad app, timer, music, etc. – but just organizationally I’d like this to be treated as 1 longer study session totaling the 20-30 min or whatever, not 20 different 1 minute sessions, you know? And just more generally I often find myself needing to tab away to answer messages, etc.

Hi @ShaneOH do you happen to recall if your Total Study Time on the Daily Progress screen was correct? Expected should be 35 minutes in this case, not the 60 minutes “spent” in the activity.

I remember at the time of posting that, the Total Study Time was incorrect (60 min) which is why it bothered me enough to post hahah. I’ll be more diligent about taking screenshots and I’ll see if it’s still an issue moving forward.

I’m curious what you all think we should display on the Daily Feed. Is it helpful to see the total time in an activity below the reports, or do you just wanna see the active study time? Vote in the poll!

Personally, I do feel like the only relevant metric is active study time. There are too many situations where I need to start a session and then get distracted away / pause / switch to something else, without wanting to end the session, and if I’m just pressing “start” at 1pm and “finish” at 2pm, that 60 min logged is totally irrelevant versus the subset of time I’m actually studying flashcards (e.g. 1pm-1:15pm, 1:45pm-2pm, etc.)

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Thanks for the extra details. Do let us know if you run into that issue again and toss a screenshot our way. It’s just helpful for making sure we’re all on the same page.

As for shorter reps in the app, the Daily Feed is designed to provide a more comprehensive overview of everything you’ve done for the day while also letting you go into all the little details with reports when necessary. Answering messages, checking a quick email, that stuff should be fine, but at a certain point resources may be allocated elsewhere and it’s something to be at least conscious of.

Sadly, there isn’t a limit on when it happens. It just depends on device, apps you’re using, and all the rest.

[moving to this thread per admin request]

I’m having a lot of problems with the Rejuvenation feature. I’ve noticed it in the past, but it’s especially noticeable with these new lists, because there are so many I already know.

For example, last night, I added the 2021 HSK 1 list and Skritter told me I already knew 450-ish words and asked me if I wanted to Rejuvenate. I hit the Rejuvenate button and Skritter slowly went through the list adding words (and kept popping up the “you hit your streak by learning 5 new words” once in each section…probably not intended behavior).

However, when it got done, it said I still had ~230 words left to rejuvenate.

So, I did it again (and again and again and again) and Skritter showed:

178 left
178 left
wait about 10 minutes so I could see if there was some server/sych delay
90-ish left
40-ish left

and finally, I started going into each list section, finding ones with non-Rejuvenated words, and manually Rejuvenating each section.

I was able to finally get it to mark all the words I had previously learned as “known”, but I did many Rejuvenations to get them all known.

Something is wonky here.

My network is in Michigan, USA (Comcast) and I have speeds of 200Mbps. I can stream videos and connect to regular streaming services with no issues. So, throughput isn’t an issue on my network.

But adding words on Skritter is always problematic (and rejuvenate is just a fancy add words, correct?)

Yeah, it is pretty slow right now until, but we’re slowly working on ways to improve it using the v3 API.

Thanks for the details in this report. I’m seeing some similar issues, especially on larger decks with lots of previously learned items.

We’ll work on a fix!

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I know we talked about the search on the Decks in another thread several months ago, but let me restate an annoyance

  1. Go to the Decks tab
  2. Hit Browse
  3. Search (magnifier) for “HSK”
  4. Scroll way way down to the bottom to a new 2021 list
  5. Open any of the lists to see how many words you already know (number to rejuvenate)
  6. Press the “back” button (arrow at upper-left)
  7. You now jumped back to the main Deck screen AND lost your search results. :exploding_head:
  8. Start over at step 3 while grumbling to yourself that you should be at step 4.
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Yeah, still annoying and still on our radar. It isn’t the quickest of fixes and we’re close to wrapping up this massive Progress update, which should unlock a lot more small improvement in the coming months.

In the meantime, I did add all the HSK (2021) decks to the featured tab so they’re easier to find and get to without search!

The next public beta build will make rejuvenation blazing fast, and should also fix this pesky issue of things not getting marked as learned all in one go.

This stuff wasn’t planned for the 3.6.0 update, but the HSK decks certainly shed some light on choke points, and we can make it a lot better so we’re doing just that!


3.6.0 (300519) Beta

  • Faster rejuvenation speeds
  • Replaced real-time with active study time to match on Daily Feed
  • Rawest squigs toggle now works offline

Happy studying!

Build should be out later today. Someone (Josh) has to get the kiddos to bed first :slight_smile:


The Rejuvenation is absolutely much, much faster! Great job in speeding that up!!

I’m still seeing periodic issues where I go into a post-rejuvenated list, press the “learn” and then press the “already learned” in rapid succession for several words. Often a word or two in learn mode is only temporarily marked as learned. When I come out of the list, and then dive back in to learn mode, it will ask me to learn words that I just had marked as already learned. If I go through the “full” learning tutorial, I’m not seeing that issue….it’s only when I mark items as already learned.

Learn is also stopping at the end of the the current list section even though I hit the learn button from the top-level of the list itself. That might be by design, but I only expected Learn to stop at list section boundaries when I press Learn inside a list section. This happened frequently in the HSK 1 2021 lists because I know most of the words, leaving only a couple items in several list section to be learned. So, I had to learn a few words from many sections, meaning the Learn kept stopping every 3-4 words, making me back out of the section when it stopped, and start learn again. Annoying usability, but simply worked-around.