Hey Jake, just wanted to know if you have any new information on the Chinese beta bug fix which was mentioned earlier?
Thanks in advance!
Hey Jake, just wanted to know if you have any new information on the Chinese beta bug fix which was mentioned earlier?
Thanks in advance!
I’m only a Chinese side user but still want to say a big thank you all for the updates, hard work, and replies.
On the agenda for discussion with Josh tomorrow (Thursday) at some point during the day. Making a note now to post an actual update for you after we’re done with the meeting!
Also looking forward to this.
@Farham I talked with Jake about it and am going to take another pass at fixing it tomorrow. I’ve been able to somewhat consistently reproduce it and have a few new ideas on what might be causing the issue. It doesn’t happen in the big new version we’re working on so hopefully I can compare some code and come up with something useful.
Not directly related to Josh’s comment above, but when I opened my account for some testing this morning I had the “hide reading” button enabled in the review filters menu before I turned it off to dig into the bug a bit more. Having “hide reading” toggled on is certainly a bit more of a study challenge, but it does keep audio from playing when cards transition.
Not an ideal solution to the problem, but a potential workaround for those looking to give it a try.
Hmm, I always use the latest Skritter beta with Hide Reading on iOS but it still plays the audio after each character of tone cards. In addition it often plays the wrong audio for the given word if there are multiple pronunciations for that character.
I just submitted version 3.0.22 (Chinese only) to Apple for review for beta users. It should become available for install in the next day or so if they approve it. It contains several improvements to audio.
It sounds like the app is working as intended with the audio playing after a card is completed. I was mentioning the setting from the perspective of the creepy audio bug, as the transition from card to card will not auto-play any of the audio. Sorry if that wasn’t clear. But, that issue will now be fixed with the new update rolling out on TestFlight and Android soon!
As for wrong audio on the word level, that sounds like an issue we certainly wanna get fixed up. We still need to spend some time improving a more comprehensive solution for not only reporting issues, but also fixing them and rolling them out to the apps in a way that doesn’t require clearing all local data or needing to push a full app update when things get fixed or updated. The basic framework for that process is already built into the new applications, but we’ve still got some work to do so that things are working smoothly on both sides of the experience.
Sorry, I wasn’t clear. I sometimes do hear choppy or missing audio after a card is completed. It sounds like that is being improved.
What I was attempting to report was, after each individual character card for tone questions, the pronunciation is often (programmatically) wrong. When it repeats the full word after all of the characters are answered, it is correct. Examples: for “貼上” it says “tie1” after the first card, “shang4” after the second, then “tie1shang5”. For 一般, it says “yi1” then “ban1” then “yi4ban1”. For 首都, it says “shou3” then “dou1” then “shou3du1”. I could go on and on as it happens for a large number of words that have multiple pronunciations, but it seems that whenever there are multiple pronunciations for a character, it is not necessarily picking the one that applaud for the given word.
Does that make sense?
I also sometimes encounter some cards that don’t have any sound at all, but then they regain their sound when I jump into the beta. So definitely someone put the voice on them, just seems not to be interpreted and available in certains iterations of the app.
So, @Josh, can we expect the beta patch on Android today or tomorrow 13th?
Right now it’s in review and that usually means 1-2 days before getting approved. I say usually because it’s 100% in the hands of Apple and they don’t guarantee any specific timeframe.
I really hope the Android version beta patch is not in the hands of Apple 哈哈哈
I take it that what @SkritterJake mentioned as “tesflight and android soon” actually means the Android patch will follow the iOS one, but hasn’t been yet submitted to the Play Store?
Sorry, I didn’t read that clearly. I will be submitting the Android beta release today and it should be available for install within a few hours.
Yeah. I understand now. We’ll have to circle around to this when we’re actively working on the Chinese 3.1 apps and see what we can do to improve audio to pinyin accuracy on those types of cards. Thanks for the detailed report!
Just downloaded the beta update on Android but the sound bug is still there unfortunately.
The app version is listed as 3.0.22. (300086), @Josh
EDIT: Still the same. I waited 12h, left the beta program and reapplied twice, and deleted the app, cache and data a couple times as well… but no luck whatsoever.
I’ll keep looking into the issue, but am having troubles reproducing it now. Using 3.0.22 downloaded from the store just put in 10 minutes and audio was functioning normally on my Samsung Note 8. I’ll try loading it up on some other Android devices, but right now I’m just searching for a way to reproduce the issue. I’m hoping it’s not Android version or device related, because those can be pesky to deal with.
210 posts were split to a new topic: Skritter Mobile Beta 3.2 Updates (Current Version: 3.2.2 300252)