I tried to switch Skritter to use a monolingual Japanese dictionary, but it seems like whatever dictionary that’s being used is missing a huge quantity of words. I really hate cruddy English glosses when learning words – is there any possibility for a more comprehensive Japanese dictionary to be included in Skritter?
All of the J-J definitions have been created by us or users as time goes on, (there wasn’t a script to pull them). You can edit the definitions though and submit them as a correction, which would be mighty helpful!
While I can understand crowd-sourcing the various ○-J dictionaries, there are many good J-J dictionaries (more than E-J even, obviously…). Are they too expensive to incorporate into the app? Are people who want immersion not a target of the app?
Many J-J definitions need to be truncated to fit, and also need any words that share the prompted kanji converted to kana to not reveal the writing, a human is definitely required whether they are imported or not. Crowd sourcing seems like a perfect route and will lead Skritter’s J-J dictionary to be powerful and unique! I generally add J-J definitions as I study-- if you and more users add them as well as we go along, steady progress shall be made.