Card statistics in Skritter Android app

I just started using Skritter for Android application. Prior to this, I’ve been using Skritter for iOS for quite a long time.

My question is this. In the study mode, where can I see the statistics for the current card? In the iOS app it looked like “Written X days ago: due (XXX%)”, visible when I clicked the (i) icon in the top right corner of the study screen. In the Android app, a similar (i) icon also exists, clicking it provides similar card information (reading, definition, decomps, etc.), but the said statistics is missing. Is there any way to bring it back? Thank you.

I’ve opened an issue so it can be added in, this was mostly likely overlooked. Thanks!

Jeremy, thank you for the reply. Could you please tell me, when (very approximately) can an update with this issue fixed can be expected? Just for me to know when to start looking for an update. Thanks!

We still haven’t have an exact timeline of when this will get fixed, but it is still on our list of things to do. I’m going to bump up the priority a bit because it seems to have gotten buried under a few other priority tasks.

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