Does anyone know of a resource that lists all of the characters that are new to HSK 3.0 (2021) but were not found in HSK 2.0? I practice handwriting only in Skritter and I finished all of the previous HSK 2.0 decks (total of 5000 words and 2663 unique characters), but the new level 7-9 of HSK 3.0 goes up to to a total of 3000 unique characters and 11092 words. Since I study writing only, parsing my way through ~6000 new words just to get at ~340 new characters would be incredibly inefficient, so if anyone knows of a list that has these ~340 characters that would be great!
Can you just add the 2021 HSK lists and have Skritter auto-add what you haven’t already learned before (with just writing turned on)? Skritter already shows as “learned” words I already know when I add a new list, so they don’t duplicate when one adds a new list with duplicates.
The problem is I only want to add characters I haven’t seen before. Since Skritter is word based and not character based, if I add the 2021 HSK decks there will be 6000 new “words” but I will already know the vast majority of the characters that make up those words. If I can find a list of only the new characters I can manually add them in a custom deck.
I use the android app by the way so I don’t know if the website version acts differently with respect to words vs characters
I’ve created decks for the characters in HSK2 and HSK3. I just compared them. Since I don’t remember my sources for neither deck, there might be mistakes. It’s a shame they published the word list as PDFs so you can’t just copy paste the word list from the original document.