Developer Release Notes--May 9th

Hey Skrittizens, this month’s release notes are short but very sweet with a concise list of large and often-requested features and improvements:

  • Add Chinese example sentences with audio for HSK 1-3 lists
  • Improve review order and spacing to minimize “study loops” and feel better
  • Increase auto-add rate on new accounts and accounts with very little to study to decrease overstudying of items when possible
  • Fix race condition that caused items fetching spinner on study screen to spin indefinitely
  • Persist daily goal settings to the server so they are consistent between logins (and soon devices on the upcoming beta)

Last month we also promised our Japanese users new JLPT 5 sentences with audio. Unfortunately we’re still waiting on some audio recordings of our sentences to finish up some post production so they aren’t live yet, but we will do an update out of the release cycle once we do have them.

We realize the review order still might not be perfect for all accounts, and that’s part of the tweaking and improvement on our formula that we plan to continue going forward. But we felt the improvements we made were enough of a step forward to eliminate many of the frustrations you told us about and that we’d experienced ourselves. From here on out, we have plans on how to tweak related items and how they’re presented, and how to keep items steadily trickling in for those of you with auto-adding on.

Happy studies!


Do all new web-based features also appear on mobile, or is the gradual move to bespoke mobile clients likely to mean they won’t?

Good question! Right now we’re a bit out of step trying to get things polished up for the new mobile release, however features like the new example sentences are making it in. Ideally they will have the same major features. There’s inherently going to be some minor differences mainly in terms of UX and where things are in the app, but yes, they should be at parity for the major features.

Our aim in the future is actually to be mobile first for new feature development since that’s where a large majority of our users study. That doesn’t mean we won’t be adding new features to the web, merely that our priority will be to get it on the mobile app first. Though if we are able to do both in the same release cycle that’s even better.


Hello Michael.
The new problem is that for the examples from HSK1-3 we don’t have any more the pinin.
Is good to have the audio but after we have to guess the pinin
Have a nice day

I’ve made sure there’s an open issue for the missing pinyin on the example sentences, thanks for the heads up!

Hey, I see the problem, thanks for letting us know about it! We do have the data, but it’s getting messed up before it displays on the screen. The issue should be resolved soon.

Hello, when can we expect the updated API to be fully online including documentation? I saw in an earlier thread from last year April, that you were planning to release it within a year, so I was wondering if it’s gonna be soon now?

On another note is it possible to extract a vocabulary list of all learned words and characters without using the API?

Hey, the new API is still a work in progress, I don’t have a reliable estimate for completion. Since v2 API aims to replicate the inputs/outputs of the original API, I would recommend to use that in the meantime for any development. The endpoints for Items and Vocabs might be of interest to you.

We don’t have the feature ported over to 2.0 yet, but you can export your words on the legacy website at (use the Export My Words function). There’s unfortunately no option to only include learned words, but it will have all the words you’re studying.

Thanks for info:)

What exactly are the words that I am studying? Does that include all the lists I have added, even the ones I have paused? And does the API have the same problem or can I extract exactly the words I have seen before?

It’s the set of words you’ve encountered from lists you’re studying. So let’s say you haven’t “learned” 好 yet–you’ve seen it, but gotten it wrong a bunch of times and it doesn’t count towards your stats; it isn’t considered learned in the system. However you’re still studying it, so it would show up in the export.

Changing between “last studied” and “next to study” modes will also yield slightly different results. Basically if you’ve added a new item but haven’t reviewed it yet, it’s technically a part of your review queue, so it’ll show up in “next to study” (because it has a scheduled next time you should see it). But since you haven’t actually encountered it yet and done any reviews on it, it won’t show up in “last studied” (because there isn’t a last time you’ve seen it).

But either way, if you’ve only studied halfway through say chapter 3 of a textbook, you’ll only see the vocab you studied (plus or minus a couple stragglers based on the export mode you choose). You won’t see vocab from say chapter 5 that you haven’t encountered at all yet.

Thanks, that’s good to hear

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