Do banned words "count" as learned?

Do banned words (and characters) “count” as “learned” when using the iOS app? I’m studying Chinese, and I have so far banned only one word (yi1, the number one). But when I added a couple more words to the banned list, my “learned” character and word count went down, or so it seemed. I want that learned count to include my banned words because, well, I’ve learned them well enough to ban them. :slight_smile:

One thing that sold me on Skritter was its ability to track my progress with a concrete characters-learned and words-learned count. I want that count to be as accurate (and as high) as possible!

Incidentally, I have the same question about the PC website version of Skritter, even though I don’t use it; I need the writing input of the iPhone. For what it’s worth, though, the browser version of Skritter thinks I know several hundred fewer words. I see there’s an older thread on that subject, and I’m not particularly concerned about it, as I use iOS only. But I’m still mildly curious.

Mostly, though, I’m wondering whether banning words like the first 3 numbers will hurt my word/character count. :slight_smile: Thanks.

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