Feature Request: Way to resume after break

The problem is that “due cards” can quickly become too big if you fall a little behind.

There needs to be some manual way to reduce the “due cards” number without going scorched earth and resetting the entire account.

I found two older threads that asked for the same thing. The response was just to stop adding new words for a while and catch up. That isn’t really a reasonable solution. The whole reason I got a huge backlog was that I had a time problem. Telling me to throw more time at the problem doesn’t fix anything.

Ideally I would be able to put all of those words into a queue and manually set a hard limit on reviews per day. Any “due cards” that exceed that limit would be shown later.
Yes. I know I can just decide to do this manually but that has two problems.

  1. One of the major advantages of Skritter is that it keeps track of stuff for me. If I have to manually keep track of it myself, it becomes much less useful.

  2. I don’t actually want Skritter to stop showing me new words. I know most of the words on my list. I just want to practice them more. If I slowly work my way through a backlog I need to stop adding words until I’ve worked through it or it won’t give me any review until I’m done.

I’m only behind a few hundred words and it’s frustrating enough that I’m starting to see what alternatives are out there. I’m assuming those other people with multiple thousand word backlogs just gave up all together.

Skritter has been very good until recently. Unfortunately this problem has caused significant reduction in the rate at which I’m adding new words and I need to find some workable solution.

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Thanks for reaching out! Our developers are planning to make some improvements to our SRS system when we release the 4.0 updates. We currently do not have a timeline for when Skritter 4.0 will be released. You can read more about our current SRS system and why we chose it here: Spaced Repetition System (SRS).

If you don’t have the time to clear your queue or bring the number down, I suggest setting a daily goal and focusing on that instead. You can set your daily goals (cards studied and words learned) in the top right-hand corner of the app.

I will share your feedback with the rest of the team. Let me know if you have any questions. Happy studies!


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