Hanping integration on Android crashes Skritter app

On my Android phone I have the latest Skritter app (version 3.11.4) as well as Hanping Chinese Pro installed.

In the Skritter app, when I tap on the Hanping icon on the info page I would expect for Hanping to open, showing the word in its dictionary, similar to how the Pleco icon works.

Instead, the Skritter app crashes. Every single time.

Is this a known bug? Are other people experiencing the same behavior?

Sorry to hear that you are experiencing this issue. Yes, this is a known bug. Hanping recently released an update on Hanping Chinese Pro and the integration is broken from this update.

We have received the information we need from them and will work to get this issue resolved. We will need to do some testing before we release it, so it will not be fixed immediately. In the meantime, we apologize again for this inconvenience.