I have created quite a few lists using the Android Skritter Mobile Beta App.
I would like to combine a few lists together such that I have one list that contains all the other lists as sections. Is this possible?
You can copy words using the web version (copying the definition and reading is okay), and then paste them into a new list. Currently this would be the best way to compile a list using other existing lists, however a merge feature would be handy!
Hi there @FlorianK.
In addition to the website, if you have legacy Skritter on your phone (at least the iPhone version), you can easily copy sections of one list into another list. I do this at least once a week.
First, go to lists and make a custom list (the one you want to put all your other lists into). Choose “big list” so that it will be divisible into sections. Give it a name.
At this point, you can create all of or some of the sections you plan to include in the list, and name or number them.
Or, you can wait to create new sections in this list when you are in the process of dropping words into it.
After you make your custom list, go back to lists and open up the list you want to add to the new, big list. Check the box in the top blue banner (within each section if this list is also divided into sections) that is next to the “word actions” menu. This will select all the words in that section/list.
Then go to the “word action” menu on the top blue banner and scroll down to “add to list.”
Your most recent list will automatically pop up at this point. If it is not the one you want, scroll to the list you do want. There is a “section” scroll bar beneath the list scroll bar. Here you can either scroll to the section you’ve already created, or scroll to “make new section” and create one on the spot.
Then tap the button on the bottom that says “add words to list.”
Don’t forget to go back to your main list and select “Study List” from its main page or it won’t show up in review. You can also change study settings here.
Voila, you’re done.
Repeat the steps for every list/section you want to add to your main list.
Note there is a limit on the number of words an individual list can contain. It’s a pretty big limit, but I don’t remember what it is.
(I use Legacy mobile to create lists and add to lists because it lets me add new words to Skritter’s database if they are not already there. Then I sync and go back to Beta to actually learn and review these lists.)
Hope this helps.