Importing an Anki deck into Skritter

First of all, I have to apologize in advance if this topic has been addressed already, because I can hardly believe I’m the first person to wonder about it, but at the same time numerous searches here have yet to yield an answer for me.

So anyway, I’ve been using Anki for years, and only really got into Skritter within the last few months. I’ve found that the two complement each other really well, because they fill in the blind spots that the other leaves behind. I want to import a list of characters from my Anki decks into Skritter, but I can’t find anything on how to export an Anki deck into a file format that can be quickly pasted into Skritter (even in the legacy client). I’ve tried the Anki export into plain text and their card format, but it includes so much code that it’s useless.

I have an Anki deck of single characters including everything from radicals to obscure characters only seen in personal names (which makes them relevant, imo). Altogether It’s just under 6000 characters. There’s no way on earth I’m going to create a Skritter list one character at a time, but at the same time I need to coordinate my Anki studies with my Skritter studies, because recognition and writing apparently occupy different areas in memory: I’ve found definitively that having a character flashed at me (as Anki does) requiring me to provide the pronunciation, tone, and definition, exercises an entirely different pocket of my memory than being provided a definition, pronunciation, and tone in need of a written character.

My character writing has gained leaps and bounds since i started using Skritter in earnest, but if I can’t coordinate my decks between Anki and Skritter in some way, then there are a number of cognitive connections I can’t seal. There must be a quick fix for this, but I can’t find it so far.

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Hmm, I don’t know much about exporting Anki decks, but the goal would be having each word/character exported as it’s own line. As long as each word is line by line separated, you can copy and paste up to 200 words at a time per list section (using the legacy site).

Here’s a link which might be helpful:

Thanks Jeremy, the link you found eventually proved to be the solution. There were a few snags along the way so I want to include the steps I took here in case anyone else finds themselves in a similar situation.

First of all, the Anki plugin at the link works, but you want to make sure when you run it to uncheck all the options, because you only want the Chinese character itself in your list–which you should export as .csv. You don’t want any of the extra Anki fields; at any rate, I was able to get exactly what I wanted on the first try by unchecking everything.

Next, you’ll need to open the exported file into Excel–I have Office 2016 so unfortunately I can’t tell you how to do this using freeware like Openoffice, but with official versions of Excel, you can proceed.

I ran into a problem with the characters displaying properly despite having all the language support packs installed in Windows, and I tried to download and install support into Excel specifically, but it never worked, and worst of all the Chinese language Excel support pack only returned error messages (which btw were not copy/paste enabled) in Chinese. I found this video on Youtube that allowed me to solve the problem:

From there, I was able to copy the first column from the Excel file, 200 characters at a time, to create my list, which I will be sure to share with the rest of you here, in case some of you are masochists like me when it comes to learning individual characters.

Thanks again, Jeremy!