Items Due doesn't decrease


As I mentioned in the title, couple days ago I started having problems with my items due + I seem to get the only 1 type of question for each word, I mean only tone or definition part again and again and I have to forcefully ban these parts to train writing and reading. It started after I accidentally got myself overwhelmed with words and got my retention rate for writing deceased 95%->88% and reading 96%->91%. I feel that there’s probably some kind of connection between these two events. I tried decreasing retention rate in the settings, but it doesn’t seem to help (btw is there any FAQ for all of these settings?)

Hi, you seem to be experiencing the same bug as me (Items appear before they are due) I’m just wondering whether you’re using 2.0 (beta) as well? I find the bug goes away if I go back to the old Android app (which isn’t a great fix as I’d really like to use the 2.0 app). This bug has been there for months for me on 2.0. I’m wondering whether some people get lucky and escape the bug while others are not so lucky…

Yea, there’s no such bug on 1.0 version, but for some reason 1.0 version adds new words for me like mad. I didn’t know how to turn off that option, so yesterday I got 20 new words in 5 minutes on 1.0 xD (yea, I found manual add option later)

Well, I have to use 1.0 version now though

We had to upgrade DNS and ssl certificates this week and it’s causing some issues with 2.0 and Android beta where review items are no longer being saved. As you pointed out, does not have this issue (it’s accessing v1 of our API rather than v2). We’re aware of the issue and are trying to find a solution for it as quickly as possible. We’ll be sure to reply to the relevant threads once the solution has been deployed.

Sorry for the troubles and stay tuned for the fix!

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Well, as long as you aware =)

Pls make a post or smth when you fix this, thank you very much.

Can we include a way to reset the list too? I have something like 900 items due now and there’s nothing I can do to lower it substantially. By the time this issue is fixed I’ll probably have a backlog of several weeks unless there’s a way to clear all that accumulation out.

Something happened today, apparently some action taken server-side, because my queue was back down to 300+ from something well over 1200 yesterday. I worked at it for a couple of hours and was able to get it down to 170, but apparently that’s still a hard floor: it won’t go any lower, even if I just hit the skip button repeatedly for a few minutes.

Another big problem that’s still out there, too–which is of longer standing and apparently very deep into the way the 2.0 system operates–is that it takes me anywhere from 3-30 terms to get the due count to drop by 1. I’m not exaggerating. Here and there I get a 1:1 decrease for terms answered, but mostly it takes at least 3, and I couldn’t even guess at what the average number would be. Seems to get worse the further into the list I go.

Anyway, it looked like you guys took some kind of action on your end, and I wanted to give some feedback on that. It’s better, but still not working for me at least.

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Hey, thanks for the feedback, we’re aware of and working on the issues. I’m not sure why you seem to have a hard floor of 170. Out of curiosity, do you regularly delete lists or switch between studying/not studying simplified/traditional?

The review order/due count decrease one is especially annoying–a couple of us are doing some deep digging and analysis to figure out where the issue is creeping in. The values in the database and the scheduling appear correct at least.

I’ve been working with the same two lists since last year, although during a previous round of problems I found it helpful to reset all my stats a couple of times, the last one being in maybe February. I did add a number of terms to one of my existing lists 2-3 months ago, but otherwise no changes. I’ve never switched between traditional/simplified, and I’ve only tried a handful of lists since starting my membership a couple of years ago.

BTW that “hard floor” increases every day. What was 170 at the time I wrote the original post was about 530 yesterday. It seems that every day when the list repopulates, a certain number of those items are permanent additions. I switched back to the old app (really didn’t want to do that, but this has been going on for too long and it’s thrown a lot of my routine off balance) yesterday, and since then the counter works.

I wrote on another post that even on the web portal, the legacy client will reduce terms as they’re answered, but the 2.0 won’t. However, if I knock out a few terms on legacy and then refresh 2.0, the due list reduces accordingly. Also, the app shows about 25 more items in the list than the websites.

One area that has been a recurring problem is getting the study settings to stay in one place. Sometime last year I checked off the options to review all 4 modalities (including reading and whatever the other one is that isn’t writing and tones), although at the time they apparently weren’t yet operational. Then later when those functions came online and they started showing up in my queue, I decided I didn’t want to add those anymore, so I went and unchecked the options and saved the preferences. But since then I’ve seen my list suddenly inflate by thousands of items on two occasions, and both times I found that when I went back into the study settings, once on the 2.0 website, and most recently on the legacy site, those boxes had been checked again. It seems that the preference settings on one page may not match the other, but they both can affect what you get in your study queue.

Thanks for the update. As long as I know the issue is being worked on, I can be patient. It’s when I report a problem and get no response at all for several days or a week that it gets frustrating.

Okay, thanks for the info. Your resets and trad/simp changes probably aren’t affecting this problem. You’ve got a lot of items, so you might be seeing data problems more often and severely than the average user. Sorry things are so wonky for you! We’re getting a better solution in place.

We’ve worked on organizing and clarifying the study options in more recent updates. The ones you see under the gear icon on the study screen are mostly temporary filters for that study session–what lists and parts you want to focus on this time (though some of the settings like audio settings and raw squigs persist past the single study session). The settings under Account->Study are more permanent and control whether you are studying a part at all–this will affect your due count. We’ve got some ideas for how to improve the due count to be more intuitive when you have parts disabled, but for now disabling a part removes those types of items from the count. If you only filter certain items from the study screen, it won’t affect your due count, just what you see during your study session.

I more or less worked out from experience that the web page settings–and maybe particularly the legacy page–are where permanent changes are made. The noteworthy point in my description above is that on at least one and possibly 2 occasions, these settings automatically reverted to a previous setting within a few weeks of my changing and saving them.

Also, a point I haven’t mentioned yet because I forgot earlier, when the legacy site first began telling me that I had 4000+ items due, it said they were from 2 lists. I noted that (although I didn’t go into the settings to verify) particularly and reported the problem here at the time, mentioning that all these items were coming from only 2 lists, so it couldn’t be the same problem with the settings that I had discovered and corrected some weeks before. Only a few days later when I returned to check the legacy site stats and compare to the new site did I discover that now it was reporting items due from 4 lists, which clued me into the fact that all those settings had been re-selected (and I hadn’t done it).

Since i access Skritter from home and work using a number of different PCs, it occurred to me that maybe reopening an old tab on a machine that I hadn’t used since changing the settings somehow caused the change back. I don’t know why or how that would be possible, but it’s the closest thing to a theory I’ve got, since the change only occurred at the legacy site and was entirely independent of the new site.

But however it happened, it’s important to note that these settings changed without my influence.

There could have been an issue with an old/out of sync tab overriding settings, but unless you keep just the settings page open in a dedicated tab on one of your machines and then saved some settings from that page, it probably wasn’t the cause of your issues. What study settings in particular do you remember not sticking or being different across devices?

In account>study settings>parts studying you have writing tone reading definition fields. I check the first two and left the last two unchecked. Twice now I’ve found the last 2 fields checked, apparently spontaneously.

Ok, thanks for the report. I’ll look into it.