Martial arts terminology

Are there any lists for martial arts terminology?

  • judo
  • jiujutsu
  • kendo etc
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Good question! If there aren’t, there should be! Unfortunately, I practised all my martial arts, including 太極拳, before I started learning Chinese. I know a lot about gymnastics and diving in Chinese, but that’s not what you’re after. :slight_smile: Actually, my Chinese name, 凌雲龍, comes from a movement in the sabre form in the style of 太極拳 I was practising: 雲龍戲水!

We have just such a deck. We also have a newly created Olympics deck.

Thanks for your reply, the link is to a Chinese deck. I’m learning Japanese kanji, so maybe that is why I couldn’t find this martial arts deck. Is there an equivalent one for Japanese?

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