Raw squig and hide reading settings on Android

I use Skritter on both my desktop with a drawing tablet and Android phone, but I only prefer the “raw squigs” setting on desktop because the characters turn out horribly messy on my small phone screen. The problem is that it seems I have no option but to turn the setting on/off every time I switch devices because it syncs between them. Similarly, I like to hide the Pinyin when I’m studying, and turning on “hide reading” on Android causes both the Pinyin and definitions to be hidden when I return to the desktop version. I know it’s pretty simple to flip a couple of switches but when I switch between devices on a daily basis it becomes a little annoying. I’ve been enjoying studying with Skritter and having the option to independently set my preferences at home and on mobile would make it even more enjoyable. Thanks!

We have discussed this and in general are in favor of eventually having settings that are more platform independent (especially when it comes to mobile versus desktop). Right now it should only be 2-3 clicks to change the settings via the settings screen from the study screen, so it’s not too high of a priority at the moment.