Same cards “due” over and over

After a period of inactivity I got back to Skritter and am facing a backlog of some 900 cards. For the past 24 days, I’ve been reviewing 50+ daily. I make sure to do this deck by deck in batches of 20-50 reviews each. Now the issue is that I seem to always have to review the same exact cards every single day, but it’s only affecting one major deck. At first I thought I’ll let Skritter do its algorithm magic, since I haven’t reviewed them for quite some time, but at this point it’s getting ridiculous. I’m aceing these characters every single day in nanoseconds or even resort to skipping them.
I looked up some of those cards and checked the stats and am reaching 40 reviews with ~83% of retention/correct reviews or whatever that indicator is supposed to be (clicking on it does nothing).

I just tested it. Even if I do a “due” review of all cards, all decks, this specific deck’s cards will be the forced to be reviewed first - even if I literally reviewed those same cards the minute before!

At what point will this stop? At what percentage point? Is this a bug (did try the delete chance thing). I remember some of these characters I originally struggled with when I first learned them at a time I generally learned way too many new words.

Overall, I feel as though it will take many weeks until I can reach 0 due, at this speed. Obviously the goal is to one day be able to do all due cards every day, but this seems unattainable.

As you might tell I’m somewhat frustrated. Hope anybody can show me what I’m overlooking and/or tell me what is going on.


Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out and sorry to hear that you are experiencing this issue! As a first step, can you refresh your local data? To refresh local data on your devices, please follow these steps:

  1. Open the Skritter app.

  2. Tap the hamburger icon in the left-hand corner of the app.

  3. Tap Settings.

  4. Tap User at the bottom of the screen.

  5. Scroll down and tap on “Refresh local data.”

If this does not resolve your issue, could you please contact us at Thanks in advance!

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