A bit of a small quality of life request from me. Is it possible to save the decks filter/sort in the “My library” part of the app. Now I keep having to switch from “Recent” to “Name” to find the decks that I want to look at.
Are you referring to the Starred, In progress, Not started, Free chips? These chip filters should save unless you are closing out the app. If you are referring to when you use the Sort decks by, then our developers are aware of this bug and will fix it in Skritter 4.0.
In the meantime, you can use the Starred decks feature if you would like to select certain decks to stay at the top. Even if you close the app, the starred decks will remain starred.
It is indeed the Sort decks by functionality. Glad it is known and hope to see it fixed in Skritter 4.0.