"Stuck" words popping up all the time


I am having a problem in Japanese Skritter that I never had in Chinese Skritter.

It is really weird and I do not know if this happens to anybody else or how to fix it, I would appreciate any help.

Some words seem to get “stuck” and pop up in my reviews over and over again, despite having very good stats (I never do them wrong, or not anymore for many weeks or months)

As far as I know, with the Spaced Repetition System, the more often you type something wrong, the more it should pop up. The better you know a character, the less often it should pop up. My experience of many years with Chinese Skritter (except for a one year hiatus) roughly corresponds with this idea.

However in Japanese Skritter, there’s a bunch of words that pop up everyday, even several times a day if I do Skritter more than once a day, despite having stats that are not that bad. This is quite an inconvenience. The only solution I could figure out was to ban those words that get stuck, removing them from my studying list completely. But I do not think this is the best solution.

I attach a couple of examples so you see what I mean, of words that “got stuck”

Anybody else has this problem?


Hi Joaquin,

We are sorry to hear that you are experiencing this issue! As a first step, can you try refreshing your local data? To refresh local data on your devices, please follow these steps:

  1. Open the Skritter app.

  2. Tap the hamburger icon in the left-hand corner of the app.

  3. Tap Settings.

  4. Tap User at the bottom of the screen.

  5. Scroll down and tap on “Refresh local data.”

If this does not resolve your issue, could you please contact us at team@skritter.com?


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Thank you so much for your quick reply Sarah!

All right, I’ll do that and try it for a few days to check how it goes

Best regards