Word Count Strategy


Currently I have 6,600 words if you subtract the characters, otherwise I have 9,000 “official” words. I’m sure with all the ones I’m not keeping track of it might be 7,000- 8,000 generously. I have learned 2,400 characters (2,200 of the top 3,000)

I’m learning 100 words a week. What I like is that out of the 100 words I learn now, I at most get 10 new character - mostly it’s 4- 7.

When I learn a new word I put it in a “scheme” of synonyms or antonyms I already know. And I look up a couple example sentences and paste in the flash cards. I like it because the associations get really strong when I’m reviewing flash cards, then looking up the antonyms and synonyms in my excel.

Does anyone have a higher word count? Do you have a faster process than mine? I still only have a max potential of around 4,000 words a year. Sometimes I would like it to be 8,000 words a year with less “processing” time.

A website like Migaku comes to mind, where it will just make all the cards for you with amazing context. But I’m thinking I would be doing a disservice to myself. I wouldn’t be able to scan a bunch of example sentences or compare them to the words I already know.