'Word Learned' screen needs to go

Having to click to learn the next new word is absurd in my opinion. For each deck of 50 that’s 50 additional clicks that aren’t required. Also have I really ‘learned’ the word at that point anyway? What happened to spaced repitition learning? Skritter was built entirely upon that concept and it made sense. I can’t for the life of me work out how the new app is trying to teach Chinese at this point. I’m just… Flabbergasted

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We do plan on adding a feature to bulk learning words from a deck or a deck section in the future which should help mitigate the frustrations you’re experiencing. It’s still built on the same SRS system via the review queue on the dashboard, but the learn button now functions more like the add button did in previous versions. The benefit of the new learning system is it gives the opportunity to learn something before being asked to review it and then having to mark it wrong immediately.

In general though we are trying to maintain most of the previous SRS system, while expanding to allow more of a visual progression through decks with the option to do more things not tied to SRS like custom tests. We want it to be just as awesome as before, but want to expand it more so that it’s easier to use, understand and be more than just an endless queue of things being thrown at you.

Other than the ability to automatically have things added while reviewing and being able to quickly bulk add things what other things do you think are missing?

@josh Usability-wise if the user wants to keep adding words in Learn mode the user should be able to keep his/her finger in the same place and keep hitting the link. But currently, each time a user clicks to add the word directly (without going through the full learn mode), the options under the fingers move so that if the user clicks the same place again, it takes Skritter out of learn mode. To add multiple words, the user has to keep clicking up-down-up-down…not smooth.
However, I noticed if I click real fast, Skritter doesn’t really add the words (I guess the server backend hasn’t caught up with my clicking) and keeps saying it will add the same word over and over. So perhaps this usability quirk is purposefully there to slow the user down?

Absolutely agree.

I have been using Skritter for over 5 years now and am utterly dismayed by the lack of features in the new app that are standard in the original app. It is, number one, supposed to be a learning app not a “testing” app. Adding a test feature would be nice but replacing the daily study feature and learning algorithm for this new feature is thoroughly mystifying.

I had hoped the new app would take what works and enhance it, not break the original to create a “testing” app which can be replicated at little cost with pen, paper, and a half-hidden word list.

Update: I have heard from Jeremy since posting this comment, and am assured that review algorithm capabilities will be available for individual lists in later versions of the new app. For now, the original Skritter is more efficient for advanced users, but I am looking forward to such enhancements.

Just to clarify, the REVIEW button uses the same SRS algorithms, and you can turn on 4-button grading if you want more control over spacing in the settings. The “advanced” filter where you can study individual lists instead of your entire queue is something we’re going to be adding soon.

We’re also working on ways to clarify the different settings in the apps, but in short:

  • LEARN = preview and practice a new word, which then gets added to your SRS review queue. Click skip to add a word without going through the learning steps. This gives greater control over what gets added to your review queue.

  • TEST = simple study mode without SRS. Useful for diving into a new list and practising without applying SRS to it. Let’s say you have a test tomorrow on Star Wars terms, or there is a pub quiz which tests your knowledge of the solar system. This is the mode for you. Also useful for challenging your friends without messing up your studies.

  • REVIEW = OG Skritter, with SRS. Daily practice to ensure you don’t forget words. Change the retention rate and turn on/off advanced grading buttons in the settings for more control. (SRS Review of individual lists coming soon…)

Hope that helps :slight_smile:


Thanks for the clarifications Gwilym. Would you mind explaining “4 button grading” and how it affects SRS?