3.7.X Beta Release Megathread

I couldn’t rejuvenate a deck, I had do downgrade.

I buy styluses in bulk and I find the exact same styluses can quickly have different levels of usability after heavy use. I recently got a new phone so I’ve been working through how best to use my stylus and maybe trying different brands. I’m sure different ones work different for different phones but does the skitter team recommend any brands or specific styluses? I use mine all day, not just for skitter, as I prefer swiping on my keyboard with a stylus to typing with my hands, and the ones I’ve used degrade very quickly.

This bug will get fixed up in the next beta release!

I’ve used all sorts over the years and my recommendation would be to go with anything Micro-Fiber tip. They won’t last forever, but they’re so much better than anything rubber. In fact, I usually end up misplacing them before they wear out. Was quite happy with this brand on Amazon.

I’m using iPhone 12 Pro Max as a daily device these days which doesn’t have the touch-sensitive screen anymore (RIP stylus mode setting!!!) but these micro-fiber tips are still great for rawest and snapping strokes regardless.


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Cool, I’ve been hesitant to try the non rubber ones but I’ll give it a shot.

Try them out! I started using the ones Jake recommended and they work great on my phone, much better than any rubber-tipped ones I’ve tried. I also bought a set from The Friendly Sweden which are good too (I’m Swedish, so I feel I should recommend them).

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3.7.0 (300568) is rolling out for beta testing soon

Fixes a rejuvenation bug introduced in 3.7.0

Accounts will force sync when you upgrade to this build to include lots of newly generated audios for tons of Chinese words and phrases!

We’re not at 100% audio coverage yet, but this makes a huge dent in adding audio to the over 600k+ items on the Chinese side.


Uh oh. Review just crashed on me. Haven’t seen this problem for a week or two, but here we are again….

We’ve gotten at least one other report of a NaN% crash from another user and are looking into other leaks that might be in the system. The fact it hasn’t happened for a few weeks is a good sign that we’re on the right path. We’ll keep optimizing and improving things.

@SkritterJake , maybe you already know but this also happens with the official released version, I hope you will give this some urgency

@Roberto 3.7.0 is going to production soon. That should reduce the amount of review crashes and we’ll continue to improve things as we find more info and continue to stress test the apps and canvas.

Yep. It happened again today, this time in learn mode. Good luck on this!

Screen capture would be super helpful along with any additional data you might be able to provide. This doesn’t seem to line up with the previous NaN% issue you’ve reported so it is possible it’s unrelated.

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Hi! Just recently it seems like the voices on my app have changed. In the past, there was always a human voice saying each word, but lately I have noticed the computer-sounding voice on some words. Did I change something in my settings or is this part of the recent update? That computer-generated voice is one of the things I avoid with other apps, I’m hoping this is just a mix up.

@Jinbaili We did indeed do an update recently so that vocabs without any available human-recorded audio got a computer-generated audio recording as a fallback. We’re continuing to record and add new native-speaker audio, but with hundreds of thousands of words, it provides a welcome improvement over complete silence for many of our less-frequent or obscure words.

The update should have only affected words that previously did not have a human recorded audio available, but there could have been some erroneous updates. Can you give some examples of words you’ve noticed that used to have human-recorded audio but that now have computer-generated audio instead?


Actually I really appreciate the speed at which you have been getting the audio done; even words I’ve fairly recently added to your database seem to have been updated now with audio.

I haven’t noticed much by way of digital voices, but I appreciate the different male and female voices you have as it gives a greater natural range for us to listen to.

I do prefer actual human voices of course. I guess more rare phrases left to the digital version is not a bad compromise given the speed at which the silence is filled in.

….you promised long ago (years now) that you would return to the provision, as in legacy Skritter, of audio for individual characters within words, as well as the full word itself.

I really miss the chatter of legacy Skritter, and we’ve discussed at length the pedagogical value of hearing, over and over, the individual sounds as well as the combined sounds, especially when the combined sounds shift character tones. It’s important to be reminded of that difference, and as I recall, you guys agreed.

…is that still in the works?

Glad to hear you like the updates! We definitely prefer human audio and will keep investing in it as much as possible, but getting help from some computerized speakers allows us to cover more ground faster.

I unfortunately have no updates to report for tone prompts. We’re focused on other areas for development in the near future, but we are starting to plan another UI/UX polish pass across the entire app, so I’m sure it’ll be a topic of discussion.

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Will dark mode also be part of that?

Re: individual characters/tone prompts :cry::cry::cry:

Yes. We have hired a professional designer and are working on laying the foundation for lots of things including dark mode.